Zero Trust Network Access Cyber-security service|AIONCLOUD
Traditional networks used to be located within data centers that keep networks security attackers out of the networks so as to provide networks users the secure connection. However, these days many applications are moving to a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model located in the cloud. With so many users and devices are complicatedly connected on the networks, traditional network security only increases complexity and cost, and traditional security perimeter no longer exists. AIONCLOUD Zero Trust Network Access From this perspective, MONITORAPP provides Zero Trust Networks Access Security-as-a-Service (SECaaS) on its cloud-based service platform AIONCLOUD. Zero trust is a new IT security approach based on the assumption that there are no trusted network boundaries and that all network transactions must be authenticated before they can be made. It assumes the network has been compromised and the users or deviceshave to prove they are not attackers. Zero Trust ...