Global cloud security Service SASE and AISASE| Monitorapp


AIONCLOUD is a subsidiary of MONITORAPP, which was established in 2005 as a cyber-security appliance company. With the rise of cloud computing, MONITORAPP sought to have a cyber-security service line-up so AIONCLOUD was born in 2015.

AIONCLOUD Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) is a network security technology that supports dynamic secure access by integrating WAN and multiple network security solutions into cloud-based services. Unlike in the past, in the modern cloud environment, users, devices, and network functions that require secure access can be anywhere, so the secure access service should be everywhere. AIONCLOUD SASE delivers required services on demand and this is provided through dynamically generated edges based on policy regardless of the location and network of the entity requesting the service. It reduces the complexity, cost, latency while improving performance, security, and the security policies of all edges can be centrally managed. SASE cloud security solutions

AIONCLOUD AISASE is divided into two main services, which are AIONCLOUD Security Center and AIONCLOUD Security Edge. AIONCLOUD Security Center includes Service Gateway, Security Manager, and Master DB, etc. AIONCLOUD Security Edge, built in each region, has network functions as well as multiple security services and is multi-tenancy architecture based.

AIONCLOUD Security Center stores the information such as accounts, domains and etc., policies, usage statistics, logs, and events necessary for edges to provide security services to the users and provides an integrated console on the web to manage and monitor them.

AIONCLOUD Security Edge provides security services and network functions to users, and when connecting through a virtual private network to form a global private backbone, it provides SD-WAN functions and supports fail-over/back between regions. Secure Cloud Access

Security services provided by AIONCLOUD are server-side security service, WAF (Web Application Firewall), and WMD (Web Malware Detection) along with client-side security service, which contains SWG (Secure Web Gateway).

In the future, combining the AISASE platform and MONITORAPP’s high-performance proxy technology will enable various security services (VPN, ZTNA, DLP, etc.) to be delivered through the cloud.



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